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Why Flexibility And Customisation Are Key For Effective Employee Benefits: Insights For Employers & HR Professionals

As an employer or HR professional, providing health benefits to your Nigerian employees is an important investment in keeping employees happy, healthy, and motivated. But with so many HMO providers available, it can be difficult to choose the right plan that meets the needs of everyone on your team. Traditional health insurance plans also often leave employees with limited options and inflexible coverage, resulting in dissatisfaction and wasted resources. That’s where customizable benefit platforms like Motherboard come in. 

Customisable health benefits allow employees choose their own providers and coverage based on their individual needs and preferences. This means you don’t need to spend hours trying to decide between HMO providers like Reliance HMO, Leadway Health, or Routhage HMO – you can simply let employees compare them and make their own decisions at no extra cost to you. This approach provides greater flexibility and control, leading to higher employee satisfaction, retention, and overall well-being.

If you’re not convinced yet, here are some reasons why you should consider giving your employees flexible and customisable options for their health benefits:

  1. Cost Saving: When you choose HMO providers that don’t fit employee needs and preferences, you risk wasting money on health insurance that they will be unable to use. Many health insurance providers also require you to commit over lengthy periods (e.g. quarterly, annually), which means that you continue to lose money even if an employee stops working at your company within the periods you have covered. With Motherboard, you only pay for HMO services that your employees actually use and you can choose monthly payments, rather than annual ones.

  1. Reduced Administrative Burden: As an employer or HR professional, you probably already know the stress that comes with selecting an HMO provider for your employees. You have to spend hours doing research, comparing providers, and speaking with sales teams before you can even make a final decision – not to mention the amount of time and energy you have to exhaust acting as a middle-man to manage relationships with them. By offering customisable health benefits, the burden is taken off you to guess what employees need and they can simply take these decisions and conduct this research themselves.

  1. Attracting & Retaining Top Talent: In a competitive job market, customisable health benefits can be a differentiator and a powerful tool in attracting and retaining top talent. Candidates often hesitate to leave companies for fear of losing their trusted health insurance provider. However, with customisable benefit providers like Motherboard, you can reassure employees that they can simply pick back up with the same health insurance provider despite switching employers.

  1. Employee Satisfaction: This one is pretty straightforward – employers are happier with their health benefits when they use a provider that they choose themselves. This personalised approach lets them select the specific providers and services that best fit their health needs, lifestyle, and preferences. When employees feel like they have control over their benefits, they are more likely to feel valued and satisfied in their job, which can lead to a lower turnover rate and a more stable, engaged workforce.

  1. Enhanced Company Culture: By giving employees more control over their health benefits, you signify to them that you respect their free will and will not impose an HMO provider that does not suit their needs. This fosters a sense of trust and freedom in the workplace, enhancing company culture, boosting morale, and increasing employee loyalty.

At Motherboard, we provide a customizable benefits platform that allows employers to offer flexible coverage while giving employees the freedom to choose their own providers. Motherboard aggregates hundreds of benefits (including health benefits from HMOs in Nigeria) in one place. This approach has numerous benefits for both employers and employees, including improved health outcomes and higher satisfaction.

The best part? There is no extra cost to you. Motherboard is completely free to use for both employers and employees and we do not charge you for transactions. This means you spend the same (or less!) amount of money you would have spent with traditional HMO providers, with all the added benefits of reduced administrative burden and improved employee engagement and retention.

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