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Product Update #2: Improved Health Plan Purchase Flow and Benefit Spend Chart

Motherboard is committed to making improvements on our product based on feedback from our users. We are thrilled to introduce a fresh set of features designed to improve the health insurance purchase flow and provide more information to employers about benefits spend.

New Features For Employers

We’ve added two new features to make benefits disbursement easier for employers and HR professionals.

Improved dashboard chart

We have made some updates to the chart you see on your admin dashboard. Now, you can see a comparison of the amount you budgeted for benefits versus the actual amount spent each month. This makes it easy for you to see how much you have saved on benefits spend with Motherboard.

motherboard admin dashboard chart employee benefits platform

Expanded transaction history

It can be very important to see just how benefits are being spent and perhaps report on that to your management team. We have added the ability for you to view all your transactions, search through them, and export as a CSV file.

motherboard transaction history chart

New Features For Employees

We have also added new features to improve benefits access and managements for employees on the platform, especially for the health insurance category.

New Health Plan Purchase Flow

Unlike other benefit types on Motherboard, health benefits require a slightly longer process for purchase as there are certain information that HMOs require from beneficiaries.

We’ve simplified that flow and made it easier for you to provide that relevant information at the point of purchase.

motherboard health plan purchase
motherboard health plan purchase

Don’t worry, you won’t need to fill this form every time you want to purchase health insurance – once you fill the form once, we retain your information so you don’t have to fill it again.

Recommended Plans

It can be disappointing to find the perfect health plan for yourself, only to realise it’s outside your assigned budget or payment frequency. While it’s possible to supplement your assigned budget with your personal funds in a hybrid payment, we understand that sometimes, you just want to work within your employer’s budget.

That’s why we have added a recommended plans feature. Our system will automatically recommend the best health plans for you based on your assigned budget and payment frequency. You will also be able to view your assigned benefit budget right from the payment page.

hmo plan recommendations on Motherboard app

Featured Merchants

Employees can now see featured merchants from Motherboard on their dashboard. We feature our most popular and sought-after merchants as well as merchants with special deals and discounts.

These updates are just a part of our ongoing efforts to provide you with the best employee benefits experience possible. We hope you enjoy these new features and find them valuable in managing your benefits with ease. 

Ready to explore these new features? Log in to your Motherboard account now and take them for a spin. 

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